
Brainstorm possible solutions once you all think you have

Discussion Topic: Analyzing data to resolve problems

Half the solution lies in seeing the problem itself clearly from the customer's viewpoint. Using your CSR tool #2 and after reviewing the analytics* tutorial, you will work on the problem below as one large team to help a family-run company resolve a problem.

Read the scenario and view the problem solving steps (be sure to scroll down all the way to see the analytics) needed to complete this Discussion.

Acting as one large team, address the items below.


Use the tip provided above to begin and then use the 5 W's to define the problem.

Every classmate should contribute something new.

Brainstorm possible solutions once you all think you have completely defined the problem based on the 5 W's.

Reach a solution based on the brainstorming session. Make sure there is agreement from the majority of your classmates concerning the resolution.

*Note: Analytics are referred to by many names including "big data". It is a means of visually depicting quantitative information in a graphical or visual format. Analytics are measurable data used in innovative ways to create new insights or strategies.


Barrett, M., Davidson, E. Prabhu, J. & Vargo, S. L. (2015, March). Service innovation in the digital age: Key contributors and future directions. MIS Quarterly [Special Issue], 39(1), 135-154. Retrieved from Business Source Complete.

Scenario for Discussion

Scenario and problem solving steps

A family-run company has a very limited budget and cannot afford anything but the most minimum customer service department; one member of the family answers the phone between cooking and dealing with vendors. They have determined that 60% of their customers are over 50 years of age. However, their website, spurred by families using their food items over generations, seems to be more and more popular in terms of generating on-line sales of items by younger family members. They are limited in terms of personnel as most of the parents in the company family are running the operations side of the business; getting the product made and packaging and shipping it out.

They have received the following analytics, as seen below, that a statistically oriented member of the family has created.

Overview of the Problem-solving steps:

1. Define the problem or problems.

2. Prioritize the resolution

3. Brainstorm alternative solutions based on priorities

4. Reach a mutually agreed upon resolution that pleases the customer

5. Follow-up: Make sure customer is pleased and express appreciation.

Tip: Start with each product category (there are 4 total) and look at how many sales were missed via call in versus online sales by month.

Disclaimer: This exercise may include actual companies and brand names solely for instructional purposes; this exercise is not associated with any such actual company or brand name. All trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.

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HR Management: Brainstorm possible solutions once you all think you have
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