
Brain scans ethical or moral


Based on the reading from Lecture 5, Lucretius speaks about perceiving images and how such images come from the “first bodies” of objects. In my opinion of both the writings by Lucretius and the NY Times Article about brain scans, I believe that these writings tie into one major point: subjectivity. Lucretius explains essentially how when looking into a mirror our reflection appears instantaneously and is something that, in Lucretius’s time, had to be explained by wisdom and our basic senses rather than reasoning and logic. Although the article about brain scans may seem far off the beaten path from Lucretius’s writings, when broken down it actually has the same foundation and meaning to it – are brain scans ethical/moral? A question like this cannot necessarily be fully answered by reason and instead is something that involves subjectivity and opinionated ideas based on people’s perspectives of the situation at hand.

With all of this in mind, can you give a modern example of something that cannot be explained by logic and instead is subjective and must be evaluated using our senses and wisdom?

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