
Brain chemicals and transmitter substances


Habits, Stress and Health

Create a 1 to 2 page essay exploring how personal habits, stress, and health interact; discuss the difference in the medical model's view of health and the view of the biopsychosocial model; and describe the work of professionals in the fields of health psychology and behavioral medicine. Proper APA formatting is a requirement for all essay assignments. Cite at least three educational sources (one source may include the course textbook) in the essay.

Brain Chemicals and Transmitter Substances

Create a 1-2 page essay explaining the role that biology plays in the development of mood disorders, including one's genetic vulnerability and the effects of different levels of brain chemicals and transmitter substances; define the term endogenous; and discuss the following psychological explanations for mood disorders: a. the psychoanalytic theory of repressed anger; b. the behavioral theory of learned helplessness; c. the cognitive theory that emphasizes self-defeating thinking patterns; and d. the effects of social and environmental stresses. Proper APA formatting is a requirement for all essay assignments. Cite at least three educational sources (one source may include the course textbook) in the essay.

Question A

Having a psychiatric diagnosis can have a positive and/or negative impact on anyone. My wife for example has been diagnosed with depression and bipolar disorder for years. She has just a couple of months ago decided to accept the fact that it's true. Mainly because she does not want to be labeled as a mental case. So many people hear the word bipolar and automatically think that it's just an attitude problem but it's so much more to it. This is why seeing evidence based practices are important. So, when she finally excepted her disorder she started taking the medication that the doctor had been prescribing her for years and began to have better days and feel better.

Question B

Evidence based practices (EBP) is the use of systematic decision-making processes or provision of services. Instead of going by the tradition of the gut reaction or observation for making decisions, EBP depend on data collected through experimental research and accounts for individual client characteristics and clinician expertise. Two examples of EBP are behavior therapy which treats depression, developmental disabilities and enuresis and cognitive behavioral therapy which treat panic disorder with and without agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder and bulimia nervosa. EBP is important when being treated by any doctor, because the treatment has been proven to work and prior research has been done before it gets to the patient.

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Other Subject: Brain chemicals and transmitter substances
Reference No:- TGS01941824

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