
bovine rotavirus diarrhoeathe bovine rotavirus is

Bovine rotavirus diarrhoea

The bovine rotavirus is a RNA virus with 11 segments of double stranded RNA belonging to the genus Rotavirus in the family Reoviridae. Rotaviruses cause neonatal diarrhoea in cattle and other animals. All rotaviruses share a common group antigen and can be differentiated serologically and genotypically.

Clinical signs: Disease usually occurs in young anijmals, 1-8 weeks of age and is referred as 'white scours' or 'milk scours'. The feces are soft to liquid and contain mucous. . Young animals may die due to dehydration or secondary bacterial infection.

Diagnosis: Identification of the virus by electron microscopy or by demonstration of 11 segments of viral RNA in polyacrylamidine gel electrophoresis (PAGE) provides an authentic method of detection. Isolation of the virus by serial passage in cell culture. The enzyme-linked imunosorbent assay and fluorescent antibody tests are also used for rapid and accurate diagnosis. RT-PCR for demonstration of viral RNA from feces and also for typing of the virus is done.

Prevention and control: Rotaviruses survive in feces for several months and are resistant to several disinfectants. Hygienic anagement of the farm and vaccination of dams with inactivated vaccine induces higher level of antibodies in the colostrums, providing protection to neonates.

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Biology: bovine rotavirus diarrhoeathe bovine rotavirus is
Reference No:- TGS0160564

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