
Bourdieu''s theory and lareau''s conceptualization

Purpose: To gain a personal understanding of how our context has and will continue to affect who we are. To become more mindful of how differences in context affect how we receive marketing messages and are able to adopt new beliefs and behaviors.

Expectations: Use Bourdieu's theory and Lareau's conceptualization of childhood to analyze your own up-bring and reflect on the ways it has shaped you (by 'use' I also mean I want you to integrate their terminology into your essay). Choose a particular learning experience from your youth to be your focus of analysis. Experiences can include, but are not limited to.
Your first day of school
A pivotal moment
A celebration
An early memory
A recent occurrence

The essays should incorporate the following details:

Describe the context of the experience.
Where did the experience take place?
What do you remember about the materials you used?
Who was involved?

What constituted learning and capital in this context?
What kinds of information were learned?
How was learning and/or expectations communicated?
Who were the 'experts' and how did you know that?
How was your learning assessed?

How did this experience affect you?
How did you take this experience into other contexts?
What did you learn about yourself, your identity, and your position in society?

Important: I want you to paint the scene for your reader, use details (e.g. what did the space look like? How were people situated in the space? What emotions were on display?) and reflect on how these details may reinforce certain messages (e.g. social norms, power structure, etc.) 

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Term Paper: Bourdieu''s theory and lareau''s conceptualization
Reference No:- TGS064827

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