
Boundary disturbances and ego defense mechanisms


Gestalt Therapy for Dream Work and Boundary Disturbances and Ego Defense Mechanisms

Dream Work

1.Both psychoanalysis and Gestalt therapy consider that dream exploration can be used as an effective therapeutic technique. However, the two schools propose very different approaches to dream work. Which approach would you favour and why?
Boundary Disturbances and Ego Defense Mechanisms

2.Gestalt therapy identifies a number of problematic patterns of interpersonal relationships called Interruptions/Resistances to Contact, or Boundary Disturbances. Some of these maladaptive interpersonal patterns are similar, though not identical, to some of the ego defense mechanisms identified in psychoanalysis. Based on your understanding of these psychoanalytical and Gestalt concepts, which of the two sets of constructs do you find more useful for conceptualizing and addressing potential clients' concerns?

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Other Subject: Boundary disturbances and ego defense mechanisms
Reference No:- TGS01882982

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