Given a word scramble and a dictionary of words, find the best possible solutions to each word.
Both the dictionary and the wordscramble are a set of words, one per line. The script should output one or more solutions. An example wordscramble and solution are provided, below.
1. You must provide a hard coded dictionary in your program.
for example, this might be your dictionary: mary twinkle star row your boat gently down the stream life but dream ruby
2. An array of arrays, filled with single characters composing the word may be used.
a = %w[m a r y] #=> ['m', 'a' , 'r', 'y'] or
a = Array ['m' 'a' 'r' 'y'] #=> ['m', 'a' , 'r', 'y']
3. The length of each dictionary word may be useful for starting to unscramble the word.
['m', 'a' , 'r', 'y'].length # => 4
4.Report an error if a word is not the dictionary (i.e cannot be unscrambled).
The scrambled word is: arym
Guess the word....
You have 5 guesses left....
Your guess is incorrect. 4 left...
The scrambled word is: arym
You got it!
ti continue ir to stop
Game ends!