1-1 Binary code "000000000000000111111111100" represents
A. 409910
B. 409310
C. 409410
D. 409210
E. none of the above is correct.
1-2 What is the 2's complement of F ?
Wherein F = 2's complement of (2's complement of "11111101000001"):
A. "100011110111110"
B. "110110001000001"
C. "011100001000001"
D. "101111101000001"
E. none of the above is correct.
1-3 "100000000000001" (in twos complement representation) represents:
A. 1 - 213
B. 1 + 213
C. 1 + 214
D. 1 - 214
E. 213
F. none of the above is correct.
1-4 Choose the best one:
A. Paging is virtual storage and segmentation is real storage.
B. Both paging and segmentation are forms of contiguous storage allocation.
C. Both paging and segmentation are popular schemes for virtual storage.
D. A and B are correct.
E. A, B, and C are correct.