
Both diamond and graphite are made from carbon however

Describe the internal structure, bonding of atoms and molecules and to understand the mechanical properties of materials.

Comprehensive understanding of properties of materials, atomic bonding of atoms and imperfections. Solution of identification of structures. Writing of an experimental report

Task 1:

One of the major aspect of material science involves the investigation of material structure. The structure of materials has a profound influence on many properties of materials.

Your Task

1. Both Diamond and Graphite are made from carbon. However diamond is considered the hardest material while graphite is brittle and slippery. Explain this difference from atomic bonding view point

2. Inconel is a corrosion resistant, tough Nickel-chromium alloy because it contains large amounts of Nickel & chromium. How does Nickel increases the toughness of the material and chromium protect the metal from corrosion?

3. Industries that manufacture racing cars prefers nickel based alloys for engine components and iron based alloys for structural parts. Justify this statement.

Task 2:

Material engineers should be conversant of various materials, their properties, manufacturing process involved, environmental issues, monetary issues and more.

Your Task

1. Which chromium plating is more eco-friendly - trivalent or Hexavalent? Justify your answer in the light of environmental issues caused.

2. Explain why tempering cycle is essentially required in the heat treatment of high tensile carbon steel and what are the consequences if tempering cycle is not carried out?

3. What are the essential criteria for selecting materials required for the following operating functions?

(a) Turbine blades which endures vibrations and saline conditions
(b) Domestic utensils used in kitchen
(c) Aircraft body to go undetected in radars
(d) Dental braces used in medical field
(e) Rocket Chambers of space shuttles.

Task 3

Ability to write an experimental report in a standard format is a key competency requirement of a Material engineer.

Your Task

1. Write an experimental report with the following aim and objectives details

Aim: The aim of this tensile test is to subject metallic materials to pulling or tensile loading and observe the mechanical behaviour of materials.


a) To note down various loading values applied with corresponding elongations observed and calculate engineering stress and engineering strain values using equations.

b) To plot a curve between engineering stress and engineering strain on a graph sheet and determine the modulus of elasticity of the tested materials.

c) To determine other mechanical properties such as yield strength (σY), ultimate tensile strength (UTS), fracture strength (σf), % of elongation and % of area reduction.

2. Write an experimental report with the following aim and objectives details

Aim: The aim of fatigue test is to develop an understanding on fatigue behaviour of metallic materials and predict fatigue life/stress levels of ferrous and non-ferrous materials.


a) To perform the fatigue test on the given specimens using the Fatigue tester and plot S-N curve

b) To determine the safe fatigue stress levels for the specimens from the S-N curve.

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Mechanical Engineering: Both diamond and graphite are made from carbon however
Reference No:- TGS0976220

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