
Borrowing money through a bond issue

Problem: The three typical accounting events associated with borrowing money through a bond issue are:

1. Exchanging the bonds for cash on the day of issue.
2. Making cash payments for interest expense and recording amortization when applicable.
3. Repaying the principal at maturity.


A. Assuming the bonds are issued at face value, show the effect of each of the three events on the financial statements, using a horizontal statements model like the following one. Use + for increase, - for decrease, and NA for not affected.

EXAMPLE (as metioned above)
Event | Assets = Liab. + Equity | Rev. - Exp. = Net Inc. | Cash Flow

B. Repeat the requirements in Requirement a, but assume instead that the bonds are issued at a discount.

C. Repeat the requirements in Requirement a, but assume instead that the bonds are issued at a premium.

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Finance Basics: Borrowing money through a bond issue
Reference No:- TGS02036759

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