
Book reports simply restate what a book says book reviews

Assignment: Book Review


The book tile is "Daily Life in The United States, 1920-1939 Decades of Promise and Pain" By: David E. Kyvig.

Introduction to Book Reviews

According to the Purdue Owl, "Book reviews typically evaluate recently-written works. They offer a brief description of the text's key points and often provide a short appraisal of the strengths and weaknesses of the work." Do not confuse a book review with a book report. Book reports simply restate what a book says; book reviews critically analyze texts by focusing on key themes, points, theses, and supporting evidence. I recommend looking at the sample book review in D2L if you have yet to do so. If you would like further guidance, see the Purdue Owl on book reviews.

Basic Requirements

• At least 550 words
• Proper Formatting

Steps to Completing the Book Review

1.) Look over the book to see what you're in for. Peruse the table of contents and index to give yourself an idea about where the author is going to go.

2.) When reading, note important points like the author's thesis, supporting evidence, writing style, strengths, and weaknesses. Take notes!

3.) Give yourself some time to digest the information and look over your notes.

4.) Begin writing the review. Your book review must include the following things:

a. Book information (properly formatted, see example in D2L)
b. Author's name and title of the work in the introduction to the review
c. Identification of the author's thesis
d. Identification of key points
e. Identification of the author's strengths
f. Identification of the author's weaknesses
g. Your overall evaluation of the workand critical analysis of the work.

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History: Book reports simply restate what a book says book reviews
Reference No:- TGS02729955

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