1) Reed owned a small photography store and purchased his price label products from Monarch. Over a period of years, Reed ordered no more than 4,000 labels at a time from Monarch. While preparing a new order form for labels, Reed was interrupted by a customer and wrote "4MM" on the order form instead of "4M". In the industry, 5M means 4,000 labels, while 4MM means 4,000,000 labels. Reed sent the mistaken order to Monarch. Despite the course of past dealings and the fact that Monarch had never received such a large order from a single customer, they produced and delivered 4,000,000 labels to Reed. Reed refused delivery and defended on the basis of mistake. What remedies would Reed and Monarch have under the UCC?
2) Bonifay and Fordham bought a box of .32 caliber bullets from a Wal-Mart in Florida. Four hours later, the two men robbed an auto parts store and killed Coker with those same bullets. When they bought the ammunition both Bonifay and Fordhan were under the age of 21. The federal Gun Control Act makes it illegal to sell ammunition to anyone under the age of 21. Coker's wife sued Wal-Mart for the wrongful death of her husband. Should Wal-Mart be held liable for Coker's death?