
Body temperatures of healthy adults

Discuss the below:

Q1) You may utilize statdisk at www.aw.com/triola in assisting with solution. Click on the text's picture and then on the "Statdisk" button to download the software . Histogram Use the 40BMI indices of women from the data set Fhealth and print a histogram. Instead of using the default values, use a class width of 6.0 and using a lower class limit of 15.0 Does the histogram appear to be approximately bell-shaped? What is the frequency distribution?

Q2) Use the 40 BMI indices of men from the data set Mhealth and print a histogram. Instead of using the default values, use a class with of 6.0 and using a lower class limit of 15.0. Does the histogram appear to be approximately bell-shaped? What is frequency distribution?

a. Compare the histogram from this experiment to the one obtained. Do females and males have BMI values that appear to be dramatically different

b. Can a scatterplot be constructed by using 40BMI values of females and 40BMI values of males? Does it make sense to construct a scatterplot in this case?

Q3) We obtained a printout of a histogram for the BMI measurements of 40 females. Change the first BMI value from 19.6 to the outlier 196, then obtain the histogram> ow is the histogram affected by the presence of the outlier? Does the outlier disguise the true nature of the distribution of the data?

Q4) Sorting Data?Open the file STATDISK file Cans and sort the axial loads of the cans that are 0.0111 in. thick Identify any outliers.

Q5) Exploring Distributions?Open each of the indicated data sets and obtain a histogram. Examine the histogram and described it s general shape. Determine whether the shape of the distribution is approximately bell-shaped.

a. Cotinine levels of smokers (file Cotinine)

b. Body temperatures of healthy adults from 12AM on day 2 (file Bodytemp)

c. Pulse rates of females (file Fhealth)

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Basic Statistics: Body temperatures of healthy adults
Reference No:- TGS01890807

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