
Bobbi wants to hire a manager who is mature specifically

Bobbi wants to hire a manager who is "mature." Specifically, Bobbi wants to hire a woman with experience and whose children are all over 18 years old. Bobbi thinks with no young children, the manager will not have to be staying home with sick children. Bobbi also wants to make sure the woman is of "sound, Christian character, with solid morals."

As part of the search, Bobbi posted this online ad: "Manager wanted with a dynamic company. Excellent Pay. Quiet professional small office. Must not have young children under18 years old. Must not be opposed to Christian work ethic. References required.” Does this ad, violate any employment laws? If so, which ones. Please fully explain your answers and you must support your position with at least one example. You must provide an example to receive all the points.

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Operation Management: Bobbi wants to hire a manager who is mature specifically
Reference No:- TGS02469749

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