
Bob and his friends find a bag full of cash on the subway

Bob and his friends find a bag full of cash on the subway train they are riding. The group has decided to keep the money and split it amongst themselves instead of turning it in to the police. Match the group think "symptom" that best describes the statement Bob might make to himself to justify the decision to go along with this plan:

A."There's no way we are going to get caught, no one saw that the bag wasn't ours."

B."This money probably belongs to drug dealers and if they had it they would buy more drugs to sell to innocent people, so it's in better hands with us. At least we can do something good with it."

C."Everyone seems to be in agreement to take the money so I might as well go along."

D."I think we should turn in the money but I'm not going to say anything."

E. "Joe just looked at me funny, I think the other guys will just take my share if I say no and then threaten me."

Direct conformity pressure

Illusion of unanimity


Illusion of invulnerability

Illusion of morality

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Business Economics: Bob and his friends find a bag full of cash on the subway
Reference No:- TGS02798476

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