
Bn202 - network requirement analysis and plan - explain the

Network requirement analysis and plan

Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) Main objective of this assignment is to enable student to understand networking devices, gather requirements for a given business case study and plan a network design.

After successful completion of this assignment, students should be able to:
d) Explain the current and future state of the internetworking infrastructure and its applications.
e) Apply a process to support the administration and management of internetworking.


Business case study: Network design proposal for a HiTech Telecommunications company Description

HiTech Telecommunications1 is a reputed Telecommunications company that provides different types of Telecommunications services, including service onsite. The company has three (3) major branches in Australia in Canberra, Melbourne, and Brisbane with Headquarters (HQ) in Melbourne to capture large number of customers in the area. In addition to providing Telecommunications services in-store, they also have web-based ordering facility for national and international customers. The orders can be paid for online by using major credit cards.
HiTech Telecommunications gets a significant portion of their orders through their on-line ordering facilities. Web-based orders (online) get stored in their central file server(s), which is located in Melbourne, but should be accessible from any branch using appropriate networking technologies. The reliability of their file and web servers is of high importance. HiTech Telecommunications also wants to make sure that the network downtime is very limited.

Furthermore, the servers need to be protected from malicious computer attacks and unauthorized access. Facility to carry out audit checks needs to be provided as well to so as to keep track of the exact activity along with the date and time at which an employee of HiTech Telecommunications carried out a computer system based activity. The activity could include doing task(s) such as installation of new software, changes in Webpage etc.

The web server is located in the Melbourne Headquarters (HQ) in the same location as the file server(s), to host a homepage for the business. This server also acts as a chat server for providing real-time chats by the customer service personnel with customers who wish to get some quick queries answered before they order online. Each branch also has 8 networked printers and a fax machine, as well as E-mail communication facility for staff use. Each of the branches of HiTech Telecommunications also provides WLAN based service for customers to access the Internet while visiting the store. A key issue is that the visitors should not have access to the resources of the staff on the company's internal network.

HiTech Telecommunications in each of their branches has 150 employees who have been provided with laptops whilst the HQ in Melbourne has 200 employees. Each branch has 5 departments while the HQ has 7 departments with networked PCs to form an internal network. Staff in all the branches and in HQ have access to the WLAN as well. There will be a need for separate VLANs supporting the users. Some of the employees may telecommute from their homes over the weekends. Each of the employees whether they are in company or telecommuting need to be connected with a secure connection over a wired or a Wireless LAN connection, whichever may be available. (You will need to demonstrate your assignment during laboratory class).

Write a report based on the above network requirements, use the following structure to organise your report; and demonstrate switch and router configuration in week 11 laboratory class.

Report Contents

• Project Scope
• Project requirements
• Network Design strategy
• Network Topology Diagram
- Switch configuration (VLAN, Trunking)
- Router configuration (VLAN sub interface, Access lists)
- DHCP configuration (Scope creation with screen shot)
- Access point, server configuration guidelines.
• Detailed Network Design in Netsim (You should not use packet tracer) which includes
- All switches
- All routers
- All PCs
• Network device configurations
a. Switch configuration:
- Set IP addresses on PC and switch
- Create VLAN
- Ping each other
- Set VTP domain with your first name
- Set VTP password with your family name
- Demonstrate VTP packets

b. Router configuration
- set descriptions on interfaces, one with your name, second with your family name, third with your middle name
- display information about directly connected devices to router
- Setup IP addresses for each interface.
- What is the subnet mask did you use?
- Ping all routers.

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Dissertation: Bn202 - network requirement analysis and plan - explain the
Reference No:- TGS02900357

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