
Bmgt 485 7380 and mrkt 475 7980- identify the likely

Assignment 1: Leadership for the 21st Century

It is very important to use some of these weekly readings to do the discussion board.

readings: Leading Innovation

Theme One: What is innovation and are all businesses in need of innovation?


• The New Rules of Innovation
• What is Innovation? (MIT)
• Leading Innovation
• Leading an Innovation Company (Embrace Risk)
• What Leading Vision Really Means (Mindset for Innovation)
• Ways Leaders Enable Innovation (Innovation and leading)
• Purpose Driven Leadership - Innovation (Leading an innovation culture and How You Can be Misled)
• How to create a culture and structure for innovation
• Selecting the Right Things to Innovate: Why Top Innovators Stay on Top

Theme Two: Leading Innovation: Keeping people motivated, informed, inspired and yourself flexible will open the way to new ideas.

• Our Approach to Innovation is Dead Wrong
• Creating innovation
• Ethnic Innovation and US Multinational Firm Activity
• Pivotal Practices for Leading Innovation
• Leading Strategic Innovation and Creativity in Organizations
• Getting Outside the Box

Learning Activity #1

After completing your reading decide on at least five major tenets which can be used to lead successful innovation in business. Then reach out to the Internet and find companies whose leaders illustrate the tenets you have chosen to substantiate your choices. In evaluating your choices make sure to define what innovation means, what types of innovation exist in business, and how these types affect the way leaders lead an innovative organization. Here is a place that might start off your research.

• https://businesscasestudies.co.uk/case-studies/by-topic/operations.html#operations-innovation

Learning Activity #2

During this course we have been comparing and contrasting leadership between the 20th and 21st centuriesalong with learning the ways businesses are changing in the 21st century. Last week you were asked to create a list of five expectations that society has for business leaders. Select one or more expectations and create an innovative company leader to match these expectations. Describe the culture and structure of the company and how the leader could make it successful. Also define the traits the leader would need to lead the company. Make your own research to find a company and leader which closely matches what you have already described.

Add this article to your reading to help complete the activity.

• https://hbr.org/2014/12/research-10-traits-of-innovative-leaders

Assignment 2: Fundamentals of Sales Management

Learning Activity 1

Effectively Organizing Territories

BM, Xerox, P&G, and many other companies have reorganized to better serve their largest customers. How might a global company reorganize itself to maximize effectiveness with its most important customers? As senior sales management, how would you define "most important" customer (by current sales, future potential sales, or some other criteria)?

Find an example of the sales organization for a company and explain. Include resources.

Learning Activity 2

Build Your Skills

Choose a company that you are familiar with - maybe it is already the organization where you currently work. Put yourself into a Sales position and consider the personal selling activities:

Identify the likely prospects for your product or service.
Determine what information you should obtain about the prospect.
Describe how you would approach the prospect.
Outline the presentation you would make to the prospect for your product or service.
Develop a sales plan, focusing on the organization structure you would use for your salesforce (geography, product, or customer).

Learning Activity 3

Read Case 6.1, "Arizona Electrical, Inc.
Read Case 6.1, "Arizona Electrical, Inc." Is the information important?
As a manager, what do you do? Discuss in detail.

Will send the case study to your email for learning activity 3.

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