
Bmbr5103 business research methods assignments from the



PURPOSE - The purpose of this assignment is to develop the student's ability to identify and define a research problem and to conduct a literature review and to develop an empirical model or framework which is consistent with the identified research problem and objectives of the study.

REQUIREMENT - For this assignment, you are required to do the following:

1. Select the field of study that you are interested in. In not more than 16 words, state clearly the research topic. In the selected field of study, make sure that you are able to identify and define the main issue or problem you wish to investigate.

2. From the main issue or problem, write the relevant research questions and state the objectives of the study. 

3. Compile a bibliograpy on the selected topic. From this bibliography, select five to seven most relevant references that include books, academic journals and professional journals.  

4. Using this five to seven references, write a literature review on your selected topic, using the APA mode of referencing.

 5. From the literature review, develop an emphirical model / framework for your study.


PURPOSE - The objective of this assignment is to enhance the student's skills in conducting a business research by developing a research design, which is a blueprint for the collection, measurement, and analysis of data, based on the research questions and to achieve the objectives of the study.


In assignment 1, you have written a literature on the topic of your choice and develop an emphirical model / framework. Assignment 2 is a continuation of the research process. In this assignment, you are required to do the following:

1. Select the most appropriate Research Approach.

2. Determine the unit of analysis and choose the best Data Collection method to be adopted and describe the process in detail, including the instrument and measurement to be used, sampling technique and data collection method.

3. Outline the procedures of analysing the data.

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Business Management: Bmbr5103 business research methods assignments from the
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