
Blurbs will succinctly address basic points of all readings

Ducker- Mission Comes First

If we will differentiate between an actual mission statement and good intentions, one can have a thriving organization for the superior of the society.

When an organization fails, it is not because they lack research, or they didn't do their homework, but infect it is because no one really believed in it. In the reading "The Mission comes First", Drucker tells us the story of the Ford company when it was owned by the Edsel, he failed not because he lack knowledge or his homework it was only because, no one believed in what Ford stands for. The organizations of any kind must take into account that the good intentions are only true in the perfect world but in reality, only the strong mission, with the purpose that is attainable can only be successful.

Drucker said that the leaders with the right objectives are the strongest leaders, but if their goal is for the good of themselves, the organization then becomes corrupted. Every objective takes time to become a reality; one must stick with it to be successful. Even after, the well research ideas, the organization do fail when the leaders are not concrete in their ideas, and they make things up as they go along, which is why we had so many government bailouts for the companies that were struggling yet giving these huge bonuses to their CEOs. Cooperate America of today is too dependent on the stock market price, which get them side track from their main objectives, and then makes them focus on their stock market prices.

Must have thesis

. Prepare blurb ( Critical reading responses to readings).

. Blurbs will succinctly address basic points of all readings to shows that the student understands the nuances of readings and will apply relate the material to other readings, film, topics or theories.

. Caveats:

. Merely summarizing or paraphrasing is not enough

. You must illustrate the quality of your understanding.

. You must show that you know the main argument of all readings assigned.

. Different interpretations of arguments or evidence, Shown in the course are fine, but opinion unsupported by anything other than personal conviction lacks merit. You must still account for the material at hand.

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English: Blurbs will succinctly address basic points of all readings
Reference No:- TGS0911927

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