Blumberg characterizes the judge that is using his or her

Discussion Topic 1

Name the four ways an offender may discharge from prison and explain each.

Chapter 1

1. POSDCORB was a mnemonic acronym developed by
a. Chester Bernard
b. Frederick Taylor
c. Mary Parker Follett
d. Luther Gulick

2. Which of the following statements is not true?
a. Gulick's approach to management was based, in part, on Scientific Management Theory and Theory X style management
b. POSDCORB was an influential contribution to the study of management
c. POSDCORB is more influential now than when Gulick introduced it
d. POSDCORB is being re-evaluated in modern management theory

a. recasts Gulick's ideas for modern times
b. emphasizes a more democratic approach to management
c. stands for leading, organizing, deciding, evaluating, staffing, training, allocating and reporting
d. all of the above

4. In the mnemonic acronym LODESTAR the "D" stands for
a. directing
b. deciding
c. developing
d. devaluing

5. Which of the following statements is not true about leadership?
a. leadership qualities are often intangible
b. different leadership styles have been found to be effective
c. many top scholars have studied leadership
d. scholars have reached a general consensus on the best ways to lead an organization

6. Deciding is
a. basically the same as directing
b. a Theory X approach to giving orders
c. a deliberative process
d. all of the above

7. Organizing, as presented by the author, emphasizes the human relations approach as opposed to the scientific management approach developed by
a. Chester Bernard
b. Frederick Taylor
c. Mary Parker Follett
d. Peter F. Drucker

8. Evaluation
a. is often associated with unfavorable personnel actions
b. should embrace the concept of appraising
c. should be presented as helpful and advising
d. all of the above

9. Which of the following has not had a major impact on how staffing is done since Gulick's day?
a. affirmative action
b. The McCain/Feingold Bill
c. equal opportunity legislation
d. all of the above have had an impact

10. In the mnemonic acronym LODESTAR the "T" stands for
a. teaching
b. telling
c. tasking
d. training

11. Training
a. is only necessary for new employees
b. is less necessary than in the past
c. applies to everyone, including mid-level and executive level employees
d. a and b are both true

12. Allocating
a. is limited to the concept of budgeting
b. expands on budgeting to include multiple resources
c. eliminates the budget altogether
d. is not a part of LODESTAR

13. Reporting
a. is basically the same as in Luther Gulick's day
b. was not a part of POSDCORB
c. has been greatly impacted by modern technology
d. is deemphasized by "LODESTAR

14. When Kenneth Peak refers to the Criminal Justice "non-system," he is referring to
a. the efficiency of the system
b. the competition among criminal justice agencies
c. the intentional and unintentional biases inherent in the system
d. both b and c are correct

15. The authors makes which of the following conclusions regarding POSDCORB?
a. it is highly relevant today
b. it was never relevant
c. it is superior to LODESTAR
d. it should be retired to a historical footnote

16. The authors consider management to be synonymous with administration.
a. True
b. False

17. Functionaries are those who do the actual work of the agency.
a. True
b. False

18. Management is a term commonly associated with business.
a. True
b. False

19. Administration is a term in greater favor among political scientists.
a. True
b. False

20. POSDCORB was a mnemonic acronym developed by Frederick Taylor.
a. True
b. False

21. Gulick's theories reflect the Theory Y management style.
a. True
b. False

22. LODESTAR is a modern response to POSDCORB.
a. True
b. False

23. The LODESTAR concept of leading is similar to Gulick's concepts of directing and coordinating.
a. True
b. False

24. LODESTAR emphasizes the human relations approach to organizing.
a. True
b. False

25. The "D" in LODESTAR stands for directing.
a. True
b. False

26. LODESTAR emphasizes a more democratic approach to management than Gulick's POSDCORB.
a. True
b. False

27. Evaluation should emphasize negative feedback as a motivational tool.
a. True
b. False

28. The concept of staffing has impacted very little by equal opportunity legislation and affirmative action.
a. True
b. False

29. In criminal justice, training is only an entry level activity.
a. True
b. False

30. Under the concept of LODESTAR the term "allocating" expands beyond budgeting.
a. True
b. False

31. Under the concept of LODESTAR, reporting is one of the original seven responsibilities carried over from POSDCORB.

a. True
b. False

Chapter 2

1. Federal prosecutors are
a. elected
b. appointees of the Justice Department
c. Congressionally selected
d. given lifetime tenure

2. Of Blumberg's prosecution typologies, the one that works closely with law enforcement agencies, bringing criminal cases to trial or disposition by plea bargaining is the
a. power broker
b. political enforcer
c. overseer of police
d. dispenser of justice

3. Of Blumberg's prosecution typologies, the one that enjoys the attention brought by high- profile cases is the
a. power broker
b. political enforcer
c. overseer of police
d. dispenser of justice

4. Which of the following is not true about an investigative grand jury?
a. the meetings are public
b. the actions of the prosecutor are not subject to normal review
c. it is comprised of private citizens
d. all of the above are true

5. Who of the following was elected as the mayor of New York after building a positive reputation as a U.S. Attorney?
a. Robert Kennedy
b. John F. Kennedy
c. Thomas E. Dewey
d. Rudolph W. Giuliani

6. The right to legal counsel is found in which amendment?
a. first
b. fourth
c. sixth
d. eighth

7. The right to an attorney was applied to persons charged under state law in what case?
a. In re Gault
b. Gideon v. Wainwright
c. Tennessee v. Garner
d. Kramer v. Kramer

8. Victim's assistance and victim's rights issues emerged as major social priorities in the
a. 1950s
b. 1960s
c. 1970s
d. 1980s

9. Federal judges are
a. elected for four year terms
b. elected for six year terms
c. appointed for four year terms
d. appointed for life

10. When a judge has to run for elective office under a party label it is referred to as a
a. non-partisan election
b. partisan election
c. nominating commission selection
d. legislative selection

11. The most common method of judicial selection is
a. non-partisan election
b. partisan election
c. nominating commission selection
d. legislative selection

12. Of Blumberg's role patterns for judges, the one that has been given a judgeship as the final step in a political career is know as the
a. intellectual
b. benchwarmer
c. hatchet man
d. political adventurer

13. County jails are typically managed by
a. a warden
b. a state correctional manager
c. the county sheriff
d. the department of public safety

14. A prison sentence for a fixed period of time is called a(n) _________ sentence.
a. indeterminate
b. determinate
c. no discharge
d. parole free

15. Delancy Street is an example of
a. a state correctional facility
b. a work release program
c. a state-run halfway house
d. a private semi-custodial program

16. In which case did the U.S. Supreme court establish that juvenile defendants were entitled to the same legal rights as adults?
a. In re Gault
b. Gideon v. Wainwright
c. Tennessee v. Garner
d. Miranda v. Arizona

17. The legal concept that the state can stand as a parental guardian for a juvenile when he or she comes into conflict with the law is
a. habeas corpus
b. amicus curiae
c. parens patriae
d. none of the above

18. Federal investigative agency heads are called "director."
a. True
b. False

19. Private law enforcement is motivated by profit.
a. True
b. False

20. The Highway Patrol is an example of a local police agency.
a. True
b. False

21. Immigration and Customs Enforcement falls within the Treasury Department.
a. True
b. False

22. The Drug Enforcement Agency has international jurisdiction.
a. True
b. False

23. Testimony given before a grand jury is not subject to cross-examination.
a. True
b. False

24. Gideon v. Wainwright established juvenile rights.
a. True
b. False

25. Blumberg characterizes a talented attorney without an ideology as a "hired gun."
a. True
b. False

26. The abuse of a witness by an attorney is often intentional.
a. True
b. False

27. Federal judges can be removed from office by the President.
a. True
b. False

28. Blumberg characterizes the judge that is using his or her judicial post to rise higher in public life as a "hack."
a. True
b. False

29. Prisons are used for pretrial detention.
a. True
b. False

30. Indeterminate sentences are for a fixed number of years.
a. True
b. False

31. Probation is used after a term in custody.

a. True
b. False

32. A furlough is a temporary release from custody.
a. True
b. False

33. Parole revocation hearings require the involvement of the sentencing judge.
a. True
b. False

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