blood clotting -it is a natures device to check


  • It is a nature's device to check the excessive loss of blood from an injury.
  • Bleeding time is 1-3 minutes. Clotting time is 2-6 minutes.
  • Process of clotting is initiated by platelets / Thrombocytes.
  • After clotting remaining part is serum. Clotting is a bio-chemical reaction, explained by Hobel.
  • Clotting theory is given by cascode. Vit. K is necessory for clotting.
  • In haemophillia (sex-linked inheritance) VIII factor is absent so injection of AHG (Anti haemophilic globulin) are given.
  • At the point of injury serotonine & thromboplastin (lipoprotein) are released.
  • Serotonine is helpful in vaso constriction. Thromboplastin helps in the formation of prothrombinase.
  • In presence of prothrombinase prothrombin is converted into thrombin.
  • Thrombin reacts with fibrinogen in presence of air & Ca++ to form fibrin. Network of fibrin forms clot.
  • In presence of XII factor (Hagmen factor / glycoprotein) danse net is formed.

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Biology: blood clotting -it is a natures device to check
Reference No:- TGS0162310

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