Blinky Lights II: The Hard Way
Take the last two digits of your UTCID. This is your duty cycle in percent. If your duty cycle is less than 10%, add 30 to your number.
Prepare an assembly program that runs on the MSP430 that will blink as LED at a rate of exactly 1 Hz using the duty cycle you found from your UTCID.
For example, if your UTCID was ABC123, your duty cycle could be 23%. Your LED should then be ON for 0.23 seconds and OFF for 0.77 seconds, so that the combined cycle time is exactly 1.00 seconds.
• A flowchart of your program
• Commented source code, see below
• Analysis proving that your code blinks the LEDs at the specified rates. This must involve a calculation including instruction cycle counts and your board's clock frequency, as determined from the tutorial exercise.