
Blind taste test-skor versus heath

See below the two Taste Test scenarios and on the basis of the information provided, respond to the following:

Question 1. Was the methodology sound? Please explain.

Question 2. How can the results be used by both product manufacturers?

Blind Taste Test – Skor vs. Heath

This blind taste test was performed to determine which brand of chocolate-covered toffee was preferred: Skor or Heath. Bars of each brand were purchased at the local CVS. The bars were broken into pieces, with the pieces of Heath bars placed in a bag marked “A”, and pieces of the Skor bars placed in a bag marked “B”. A questionnaire was given to each participant. The participant tasted one of each bag randomly to prevent one brand being chosen over the other based on order of tasting. The participant then answered the questions on the questionnaire to determine which was preferred.

There were a total of nine participants. The participants overwhelmingly chose the Skor brand as their preferred chocolate-covered toffee bar. 78% of the participants said that they preferred Skor to Heath. This included one Heath aficionado who was extremely surprised that he preferred the Skor brand. Of the seven who preferred Skor, four typically purchase that brand. One of the seven, as mentioned earlier, typically purchases the Heath brand. The two others did not answer this question.

The nine participants were composed of eight women and one man. The man chose the Skor bar as his preferred brand. I would have liked to have a more even selection of men and women but at the time that was the gender mix that was available to me.

I was surprised by the outcome of the blind taste test because I cannot tell the difference between the two brands. The fact that the participants could make a distinction, and overwhelmingly choose one brand over another was surprising. I expected to get at least one participant who could not tell the difference.

The Skor was more expensive ($1.19 for a single 1.4 ounce bar versus $1.87 for a “King Size” double bar), which indicates that in the case of a chocolate-covered toffee bar you get what you pay for.


Question- generic brand Great Value Waffles vs. Kelloggs Eggo Waffles?

Data Collection Process

The data was collected by a person-administrated survey. A person administrated survey is when an interviewer reads questions to the respondent, either face to face or over the telephone, and records the answers. The type of a person-administrated survey was conducted as a in-home interview. This would be useful because it requires the respondent to physically use that product in the presence of the interviewer as well as being consumed in the comfort of their homes. When, a participant is in a comfortable setting; it makes it easier for them to provide REAL answers. Surveyor interviewed seven testers in their individual homes however they all lived in the same neighborhood which cut down cost for traveling. The demographic of the participants were Gender: 4 Male 3 Female, Age: Late 20’s Education: 4 college students, 1 stay at home mom , and 2 government workers Income: 35, 000- 50,000. Following the taste test, the participants were asked a set of questions in two different formats for the questions following the taste test: open ended question- probed format and dual choice categorical format. The interval scale was used only for the dual choice categorical format.

Open ended question provides you with more real answers from the participants versus just yes and no. These answers can provide more information to the manufacture versus yes or no answers. i.e. What was your initial reaction when you taste Great Value Waffles? What was the difference between the two? The dual – choice categorical choice can provide more accurate answers for direct questions. i.e. Would you buy Kellogg Waffle based on the packaging/advertisement of the product compared to Great Value Waffles?

Taste Test: The taste tests were conducted inside of the participant kitchens which is the place they usually consumed that product. The two different brands were set up side by side however the name of the products weren’t visible. Each of the participants was provided with a microwave or a toaster to cook their waffle. Once, the waffles were done; they were provided with complimentary items they usually would use to eat their waffles. i.e. variety of toppings ( strawberries, bananas, blueberries), - maple syrup, butter and sweet blueberry syrup to make sure everyone could eat the waffles like they normally would. Also, they were provided orange juice, apple juice and ice water.. The tester wanted to make this test as real as possible to ensure a more accurate feedback. After, the testing was done each participant was asked which brand was their favorite out of the two.

Results & Analysis

The results of the test proved flavors and appearance were the main differences amongst the two. 2 out of 3 ladies were current users of the Kellogg brand however they enjoyed the flavor of the Great Value better. The 3out of the 4 males preferred Kellogg’s because of the fluffiness, crunchiness and butteriness of the waffle cooked in a toaster. The last two enjoyed Kellogg waffle because of the salty taste, the golden appearance, and taste like a normal waffle. They didn’t a notice a difference between the two. 4 out of 7participants ( 2 females- college students and 3 males-government workers) enjoying eating a Great Value Waffle during the morning time right before work as well as for dinner with a side of chicken. The same group enjoyed the flavor of the Great Value waffle from cooking it in a toaster versus the oven. The last two participants (2 female college students) enjoyed eating Kellogg waffle as a snack between classes and as a dessert with ice-cream. Additional comments ( open ended questions): The brand of Kellogg alone makes me want to eat their waffles. They have a fluffy and a buttery taste. You don’t have to add anything to it. The GV waffle is mushy and tasteless. You have to add a ton of syrup and toppings to enjoy the waffle.

Assessment of Implications

The taste test proved that Kellogg brand was the best choice for waffles because of the brand, taste, look and smell consumers enjoyed the waffle better than Great Value. However, great value waffles was preferred by the college students because of the price. If, Great Value would improve their advertising, marketing as well as the texture of the waffle; they would be on waffles. GV has the right price but not the right marketing strategy to convince the taste testers to enjoy their product. In conclusion, the tasters enjoyed the Kellogg brand vs the Great Value brand.

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Marketing Management: Blind taste test-skor versus heath
Reference No:- TGS02024417

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