
Blending market research and user research activities

Purpose: In this assessment piece you will evaluate a particular User Centred Design practice or theory (as presented in an academic paper) and assess its importance or relevance to software development practice. This is an independent research project.

Topic - Kutty P. 2015 Blending market research and user research activities interactions,


For this assessment task, critique Kutty's (2015) argument that market research and user re¬search are different, but complementary techniques.

Section 1: Introduction

In this section you should consider:

What is the purpose of the article?

Define any key terms Section 2: Significance In this section consider:

Is the problem important?

Section 2: Evidence In this section consider:

What arguments are made to support the author's position?
What evidence is used to support their position?
How convincing are the arguments/evidence presented?
Can you find any counter evidence or have an opposing argument?

Section 3: Implications for software development
In this section consider:

What are the implications of the paper for the software development community?

What are the implications of the paper to you?

How has this paper changed your views (if at all)?

How could you see applying these ideas to your work practice, or the work practice of your organisation?

Section 4: Conclusion

Provide a short summary of your critique References

A detailed list of material referenced in the text of the assessment. Failure to appropriately reference material from previously published sources such as the web or journal articles etc (i.e., plagiarism) will result in a FAIL grade. The list of references must be presented using approved referencing style such as Harvard or APS (see Blackboard/Assessment/ Guide to Referencing). Include (appropriately referenced) web pages (include data accessed). Include references for any images used. It should be clear whether you created an image or down.

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Software Engineering: Blending market research and user research activities
Reference No:- TGS02377647

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