
Blackjack twenty-one is a casino game played with cards the

Create a class Deck that represents a deck of cards. Your class should have the following methods:
constructor Creates a new deck of 52 cards in a standard order.
shuffle Randomizes the order of the cards.

dealCard Returns a single card from the top of the deck and removes the card from the deck.
cardsLeft Returns the number of cards remaining in the deck.

Test your program by having it deal out a sequence of n cards from a shuffled deck where n is a user input. You could also use your deck object to implement a Blackjack simulation where the pool of cards is finite. See Programming Exercises 8 and 9 in Chapter 9.

Exercises 8:

Blackjack (twenty-one) is a casino game played with cards. The goal of the game is to draw cards that total as close to 21 points as possible without going over. All face cards count as 10 points, aces count as 1 or 11, and all other cards count their numeric value.

The game is played against a dealer. The player tries to get closer to 21 (without going over) than the dealer. If the dealer busts (goes over 21), the player automatically wins (provided the player had not already busted). The dealer must always take cards according to a fixed set of rules. The dealer takes cards until he or she achieves a total of at least 17. If the dealer's hand contains an ace, it will be counted as 11 when that results in a total between 17 and 21 inclusive; otherwise, the ace is counted as 1.

Write a program that simulates multiple games of blackjack and estimates the probability that the dealer will bust. Hints: treat the deck of cards as infinite (casinos use a "shoe" containing many decks). You do not need to keep track of the cards in the hand, just the total so far (treating an ace as 1) and a bool variable hasAce that tells whether or not the hand contains an ace. A hand containing an ace should have 10 points added to the total exactly when doing so would produce a stopping total (something between 17 and 21 inclusive).

Exercises 9:

A blackjack dealer always starts with one card showing. It would be useful for a player to know the dealer's bust probability (see previous problem) for each possible starting value. Write a simulation program that runs multiple hands of blackjack for each possible starting value (ace-10) and estimates the probability that the dealer busts for each starting value.

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Basic Computer Science: Blackjack twenty-one is a casino game played with cards the
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