Biz101 business communications assessment identify and

Business Communications Assessment

Learning Outcomes - This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes:

a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study.

b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level of study.

c) Critically analyse texts and/or multi-modal material in a business context.

d) Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment.

e) Evaluate the use and importance of technology in presenting business communication.


Part A: Proposal

In the first part of this assessment, you must write a 600-word report proposal outlining what you will write your report on in response to the topic you or your group chose, as described in Assessment 1.

Please use the following outline to help structure your proposal:

Topic - Make sure the purpose of the report is clear, i.e. you are identifying a communications strategy based on your chosen topic and proposing how you will implement it.

Use the research you conducted in Assessment 1 to clarify the topic further and state how you will apply the evidence you gathered.

Outline Proposal -

1. Provide a proposal outline that will show what you are intending on including in your report.

2. Describe the background of the organisation by providing a brief description on the business and the communication strategy you intend on implementing.

Part B: Report

Now that you have decided on your content and structure, you have to write the report. Follow the report structure that you studied in Module 2 and review the marking rubric in this assessment brief on page 3.

It is expected that you will demonstrate in your report:

  • a comprehensive understanding of the topic you have chosen
  • evidence of research and application of reliable and relevant evidence
  • critical analysis and the ability to develop coherent arguments
  • effective communication in the form of professional writing skills, presented in a report format and;
  • effective referencing skills (APA style)
  • evidence of a contribution to group effectiveness (if completed as a group assignment)

Note: You will not be disadvantaged if you do this individually.

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Business Management: Biz101 business communications assessment identify and
Reference No:- TGS02405818

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