
Biz101 business communications assessment - digital

Business Communications Assessment - Digital Resources Analysis

Learning Outcomes - This assessment address the following subject learning outcomes:

a) Demonstrate academic skills appropriate to the level of study.

b) Demonstrate research skills and referencing appropriate to the level of study.

c) Critically analyse texts and/or multi- modal material in both a business and academic context.

Some example topics you might like to research:

  • Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate
  • Communicating companywide employee recognition
  • Boosting workplace motivation through innovative communication tools
  • Implementing instant messaging/group messaging, discussion forums and chatrooms in the workplace
  • Podcasts, internal blogs/vlogs as a means to communicate to employees
  • Using an internal intranet/social Intranet for employee interaction

Instructions -

In this assessment, you must critically analyse each resource and justify why it would be of use to your assignment on identifying a communication strategy within an organsiation.

In a word or excel document please provide the following:-

1. Name of the resource (i.e. Communicating in the 21st Century)

2. Type of resource (i.e. website, article, video)

3. a) Write a brief summary on each of your resources justifying why you think they will be beneficial to your report.

b) Ensure you apply the five (5) Reliability test to each source. (800 words in total for a) and b) 4-/- 10%).

4. Provide a full reference for each resource including a link following the APA referencing style.

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Business Management: Biz101 business communications assessment - digital
Reference No:- TGS02350870

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