
Bitlocker is another data security feature in windows 81

Question: Bitlocker is another data security feature in Windows 8.1 Pro. It encrypts the entire hard drive to prevent it from being read if it is physically removed from the computer in which it is installed. This prevents thieves from removing a hard drive from a computer in one location and taking it to another location where they can try to access its data. You can enable Bitlocker from the Control Panel. (If you don't have Windows 8.1 Pro, Bitlocker is not available.) Before you do, though, balance the added security benefits against the difficulty you would have transferring your hard drive's contents to a new PC if your existing PC became inoperable. Bitlocker should not be used on a system where important data is not backed up frequently and regularly.

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Dissertation: Bitlocker is another data security feature in windows 81
Reference No:- TGS02932113

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