
Bit-level logical operations in 8051

1. Explain how data may be pushed and popped by using a Stack.

2. Write down the advantages of writing Computer Instructions in Assembly Language.

3. A UART clock rate equal to baud rate would not be fine sufficient to slice each serial bit into pieces – Give explanation for your answer.

4. Describe assigning priorities to interrupts by using the Interrupt Priority SFR.

5. Explain Pipelining architecture in embedded controllers.

6. Explain Controller Area Network.

7. Explain the hardware features of the 8051 microcontroller.

8. Explain the Bit-level logical operations in 8051 in detail.

9. Explain the Embedded Software Tools.

10. Describe Embedded System Programming by using Integrated Development Environment.

11. Explain the different operating modes of timer/counters and associated control registers.

12. Describe interfacing LCD displays to microcontroller system.

13. Explain the PIC 16F877 architecture in detail.

14. Describe the Addressing modes of PIC 16F877 with suitable examples.

15. Explain implementation of Serial Data Communication modes 2 and 3, in Distributed Embedded system.

16. Describe Embedded Networking by using Ethernet devices in detail.

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Computer Engineering: Bit-level logical operations in 8051
Reference No:- TGS013357

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