Birth Marks (Naevi):
Birth Marks is also known as naevi. It is a multiplication of one or more cutaneous elements within the skin. It is defined as a congenital, circumscribed hyperplasia or growth of aberrant embryonic nests in the skin. There are two types of Naevi.
(i) the vascular Naevi, caused by hyperplasia of blood or lymph vessels.
(ii) The non-vascular Naevi caused by an over growth of connective or epidermal tissue.
Vascular Naevi:
A vascular naevus is a localized congenital hyperplasia of cutaneous vessels and formative vascular tissue. It is usually present at birth or begins within a short time after birth. It may increase in size with growth, remain stationary ordisappear spontaneously. Any part of-the body may be involved. This may be associated with other congenital infections such as pigmented moles, adenoma, sebaceum and fibromata. Extensive vascular naevi may be associated with haemangioma of the eye or the brain (Sturge-Weber Syndrome). Different types of vascular naevi include following.