
Biopsychology and neurophysiological factors

At the conclusion of the Bartols’ Chapter, the authors state: “While biopsychology and neurophysiological factors may play some role in the formation of criminal behavior — specifically by affecting brain development — it is far more likely that violent and non-violent antisocial behavior develops as a result of a series of complicated interactions with significant others in the social environment.”

In a 2-3 page essay explain what the authors mean by this statement, especially the phrase “more likely that violent and non-violent antisocial behavior develops as a result of a series of complicated interactions with significant others in the social environment.” If this is the case, what are the implications for the prevention of violent and non-violent antisocial behavior? In your essay provide depth, clarity, precision, logic, and significance in your response. Offer examples whenever possible. Insure your essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion.

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Biology: Biopsychology and neurophysiological factors
Reference No:- TGS01429071

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