Question 1: What do you mean by the term biomass energy?
Question 2: Illustrate some attractive characteristics of biomass energy?
Question 3: How biomass conversion occurs?
Question 4: What are the main differences between biogas and biomass?
Question 5: What do you mean by the term anaerobic digestion? Describe in brief.
Question 6: Name different models of biogas plant?
Question 7: What are the merits and demerits of floating drum plant?
Question 8: What are the main differences between fixed and floating drum biogas designs in developing country?
Question 9: What do you meant by the term energy plantation?
Question 10: Illustrate the main plants recommend for the energy plantation in your region?
Question 11: Write down brief note on the given:
a) Hydrogen as a fuel
b) Biogasifers
c) Pyrolysis