
Biologically what do you expect to happen here develop a

Question: From the research questions you brainstormed, pick one you would like to focus on and write it here:

How is seed dispersal related to changing climates?

Step 2B. Understanding your research questions and what it means to test it.

Focus on the tricky or vague parts of your question. Are there words you need to define in regards to data collection? What do you mean by rate? Ask someone else to look at your question and have them help you identify terms that need clarification. List and answer those questions here:

Background knowledge: is there additional information you need to investigate your question? Are you researching a specific type of seed? Are you researching a specific type of dispersion? Research the background information you think you need and put some notes here. Be sure to cite your sources!

Biologically, what do you expect to happen here? Develop a working model of that process and put it here (draw a picture or include a detailed description).

Step 3. Design your experiment.

Which independent variable(s) will you change and which condition(s) will you keep constant?

What are you going to observe, measure, or count - dependent variable(s)?

What qualitative data will you collect?

What quantitative data will you collect? Be specific.

What kinds of tables will you need to collect your data?

How will you display your data at the conclusion (type of graph)?

Is there any other consideration specific to your biological process that you need to consider?

Step 4. Make a prediction. Develop a hypothesis (if, then, because) and put it here.

Step 5. Data collection. Put your plans for collecting data here. When will you collect data? What are the units of the data you will be collecting?

Step 6. Reflection. What do you hope to learn from this experiment?

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Biology: Biologically what do you expect to happen here develop a
Reference No:- TGS02888391

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