
Biofuel production processes - the purpose of this project

Project Proposal - Biofuel Production Processes

The purpose of this project to study and compare the efficiency of different reactors in biodiesel production. This study will apply to Batch, Continuous stirred-tank (CSTR) and Plug flow reactor (PFR). Catalysis also will be involved to see what it benefits in overall [1]. I attempt to set guideline for researching in order to avoid scattering the efforts and focus on input and output of reactor during the production processes. The biodiesel production process mainly depends on five parameters which involve free fatty acid (FFA), type of alcohol used, catalyst type, temperature of reaction and time.

Nowadays, the world struggle from nonrenewable recourse of energy such as fossil fuel. These sources have a severe influence on the environment in short term and long term as well. For example, Cars' exhaust releases toxic gases which effect on people and animal life. Industrial activities also contribute to this issue in using traditional fuel. In 1980s, developed countries realized this problem; therefore, they attempted to find an alternative source which might replace on the usual fuel and its disadvantages in one day. Actually, the fuel from natural sources was discovered in 1890 even though people do not use it seriously until late of 1980s [2]. As result of that, the scientists developed a type of fuel extract from plants or animal fat. This type of fuel was called biofuel refer to the source which is consider from biological materials. Using of biodiesel has passed in three generations, for instance, edible vegetable oil(1st), non-edible vegetable oil, waste cooking oil(2nd) and algae(3rd). Each generation has own process to product the fuel.

This issue is appealing me to go through it inside out. I asked myself why biodiesel still not equivalent to fossil so far although it was discovered and improved over than thirty years. This early start somewhat put a question mark about the reasons behind that tardy. So, I thought the technical issue and economical cause this lateness. In my project, I will focus on the technical part which relates to a process of production. I will do researches to know the processes of producing biodiesel and reveal some difficulties which might encounter these processes. Now, I'm reading in detail into different processes of production of biodiesel. I will distinguish between types of reactors in three criteria (time, volume and efficiency). Then, the catalysis roles in kinetics will be described during the process production. After that, I will also study the physical and chemical properties of biodiesel feedstock to set the reactions properly. I will model the process via Aspen software and do material balance as well. For numerical part, I will do calculations to determine the best reactor based on the factors which are stated. Matlab might help me to verify the result and examine some part of the project. Finally, the project will give result of which type of rectors is the best option according to materials and parameters are assumed.

Outline -

1. Biodiesel production background

2. Put assumptions and parameters for three reactors batch, cstr and pfr

3. Mass balance and energy balance ( in general)

3. Calculate the yield for each reactor ( use the result from Matlab)

4. Show the plots for all reactors

5. Limitations and constraints

6. Discussion and conclusion.?

Note -

Compare the efficiency of the three types reactors (batch, CSTR, and PFR) ( assume using the same amount of feedstock to produce biodiesel, the parameters will be assumed as well)

In the case using catalysis

The efficiency (yield %) depends on the conversion in the outlet ( amount of product), you can add other considerable factors ( energy consumption, water usage ....etc.)

Using Matlab in calculations + plots (attached the Matlab files)

Presentations contents (8 slides) ( biodiesel productions background, biodiesel productions by using three types, show the efficiency of each reactor in plots, a comparison between three reactors, show the way of calculations + equations ( short-cut), the limitations and constraints and the recommendation for future studies.

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Simulation in MATLAB: Biofuel production processes - the purpose of this project
Reference No:- TGS02732277

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