
binary number systemsas mentioned earlier

Binary  Number Systems

As mentioned  earlier this  number is used by  digital  systems like  microprocessor  and other  digital  circuits. This  number  systems  use only two digits zero and one  each  binary  digit is called  a bit. But  for digital systems  the meaning of and are different. For  these systems  it means  two distinct states like switch off/ on  voltage  low / high  current  in the  line  no/ yes. In different parts these two  states might be different  which may  be denoted by 0 and 1. In  this sense we can say digital systems understand  0 and 1 hence to use such  systems  we have  to learn binary  number systems. As we  use decimal number systems  we should know  how to  convert a number from  decimal to binary  and vice versa.

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Electrical Engineering: binary number systemsas mentioned earlier
Reference No:- TGS0222011

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