Billy williams at the local city hall contacts your

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Billy Williams, at the local city hall, contacts your supervisor, Mike Mackenzie, with a complaint of sexual harassment that involves the city's e-mail system. You are assigned to find the suspect and build a case to terminate the city employee. When interviewing Billy, you discover he was involved with the suspect, Mary Jane, but ended the relationship against Mary Jane's wishes. Both he and Mary Jane still work for the city. Billy has kept several e-mails from Mary Jane and offers them for your review. When you interview Mary Jane, she denies any wrongdoing and claims she is being set up. After your investigation, you confirm that the e-mails Billy submitted were falsified and that Mary Jane was indeed set up.

Write a 2 to 3 page report on how your investigation would prove Mary Jane's innocence.

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Basic Computer Science: Billy williams at the local city hall contacts your
Reference No:- TGS02253119

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