Assignment Task: Policy Analysis
Section - Final Draft
Introduction: State Senator Hob Bryan (Mississippi District 7) is the chairman of the Mississippi State Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee. Now that the state legislature has passed a bill legalizing medical marijuana use in the state, members of the committee are debating whether to draft legislation to legalize recreational use of marijuana in Mississippi. Senator Bryan has asked you to write a policy analysis on this issue.
A policy analysis contains five sections: problem identification, background, landscape, options, and recommendation. For this assignment, you will revise your completed sections based on feedback and put them together to form a full policy analysis. Need Assignment Help?
Sections: Must be 5 pages minimum- section page amounts are suggestions
1. Problem Identification (1 sentence)
2. Background (~1 page)
3. Landscape (~3 pages)
4. Options (~1.5 pages)
5. Recommendation (~0.5 pages)
- No title, heading, or title page needed- just begin with your problem question
- Bolded section titles
- Use in-text citations and include a reference page in APA citation style
- 5 pages of content (minimum, can be more) + reference page
- Double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12 pt. Times New Roman font
- Can include tables if that helps to organize your thoughts
Other Notes:
- Read and use Ch. 14 in your textbook, which outlines how to write a policy analysis
- All information should include an in-text citation and a mention on your reference page in APA
o Can reference scholarly articles, news articles, and reputable government, health, or non-profit agencies
- Avoid direct quotations from references- paraphrase and cite