Online shopping cart (Java).
I need help to figure out this problem. This has me - Class definition - Contains main() method
Build the ItemToPurchase class with the following specifications:
Private fields
String itemName - Initialized in default constructor to "none"
int itemPrice - Initialized in default constructor to 0
int itemQuantity - Initialized in default constructor to 0
Default constructor
Public member methods (mutators & accessors)
setName() & getName()
setPrice() & getPrice()
setQuantity() & getQuantity()
(2) In main(), prompt the user for two items and create two objects of the ItemToPurchase class. Before prompting for the second item, call scnr.nextLine(); to allow the user to input a new string.
Item 1
Enter the item name: Chocolate Chips
Enter the item price: 3
Enter the item quantity: 1
Item 2
Enter the item name: Bottled Water
Enter the item price: 1
Enter the item quantity: 10
(3) Add the costs of the two items together and output the total cost.
Chocolate Chips 1 @ $3 = $3
Bottled Water 10 @ $1 = $10
Total: $13