Question 1: Explain the difference between tolerance and dependence. What symptoms occur during withdrawal syndrome?
Question 2: Briefly present the significance of cross-dependence and cross-tolerance. Why drug dependence and abuse are medical problems that require long-term treatment.
Question 3: Compare the mechanism of action of illicit drugs. Which ones are the most commonly used illegal drugs.
Question 4: Briefly explain why the administration of heroin intravenously can cause a surge of intense euphoria?
Question 5: Explain why overdose of depressant drugs can cause a medical emergency. What are withdrawal symptoms of abrupt discontinuation of depressants?
Question 6: Explain why overdose of hallucinogens is not a common problem. What are possible interactions with other drugs and what "flashbacks" can mean?
Question 7: Briefly explain why the chronic usage of alcohol can lead to ascites or hepatic failure development.
Question 8: Briefly explain why the metabolism of ethanol by the cytochrome P450 system can decrease rate of metabolism of some drugs when ethanol is present?