
bibliography format aintroduction

Bibliography Format

a.Introduction : Bibliographies  tell  readers  where they can  locate  information  about  a topic. It is a list of sources  of information  for a report  or on a  particular topic. Followings  about the  format  of writing  bibliography  and a sample  bibliography.

b.Writing the  bibliography: Use  the followings  format   to construct the bibliography. Notice  the  punctuation and indentation  used in each  bibliography format. If  any information about the  sources  is not know omit it. For example  if there  is no author name start with the  title  of the source. Put the list  of cited  works in alphabetical  order according to the  first  work  of each  cited sources.  The  most  important  things  about  writing  bibliography is to  use the same format  throughout  the bibliography  be consistent.

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Operation Research: bibliography format aintroduction
Reference No:- TGS0209201

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