Beth is a 29yr old professional woman with a family history of osteoporosis. She weighs 135 lbs. and is 66 in tall. She eats a varied diet that includes meat, fish, poultry, and she consumes at least 2 cups of lowfat milk or yogurt most days. She drinks a small glass orange juice every morning and eats 2 cups of veggies daily. She takes a multivitamin daily that contains 10,000 IU vitamin A( as beta-carotene) and now she is wondering if this is necessary or harmful.
-According to the RDA for vit. A included in this chapter, how much vit. A does Beth need daily?
-Considering family history and age, what are reasons Beth should avoid excessive vit. A in supplement form
-What might be Beth's reason to continue taking her multivitamin supplement, which contains vit. A as beta-carotene
What might her reasons be to not to continue taking her supplements?