
Best case and worst case complexity analysis

Question 1:

Define what you understand by the subsequent terms in Network Flows:

i) UnDirected Path

ii) Directed Path

iii) Directed Cycle.

iv) Tree

In each of the above, show the differentiations in terms of nodes and directions.

Question 2:

Make a distinction between Best Case and Worst Case complexity analysis. In each case give suitable instances.

Question 3:

Describe what you understand by the phrase Tree Decomposition.

Question 4:

Discuss how Lower Bounds on Arc Flows are eliminated. Show your workings by a mathematical representation or otherwise.

Question 5:

In brief explain the steps involved in Network Simplex Method.

Question 6:

What data structures you would anticipate in the Network Simplex Method. Indicate the data structures significance at each step.

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Computer Networking: Best case and worst case complexity analysis
Reference No:- TGS07333

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