Best Bagels, Inc. (BB) currently has zero debt. Its earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT) are $100,000, and it is a zero growth company. BB's current cost of equity is 13%, and its tax rate is 40%. The firm has 20,000 shares of common stock outstanding selling at a price per share of $23.08.
Refer to Exhibit 16.3. Now assume that BB is considering changing from its original capital structure to a new capital structure with 45% debt and 55% equity. This results in a weighted average cost of capital equal to 10.4% and a new value of operations of $576,923. Assume BB raises $259,615 in new debt and purchases T-bills to hold until it makes the stock repurchase. BB then sells the T-bills and uses the proceeds to repurchase stock. How many shares remain after the repurchase, and what is the stock price per share immediately after the repurchase?
a. 11,001; $28.85
b. 12,711; $35.62
c. 15,220; $54.31
d. 17,105; $89.67
e. 13,901; $42.57