
Benefits to the armys organization

Create an Argumentative HR Essay

1. Purpose. To provide students the opportunity to apply critical thought to an aspect of human resource management.


a. Set 1" margins for the remainder of the paper (right, left, top, and bottom). Your paper should be at least four full pages but no longer than six pages. This page requirement does exclude the title page, endnotes, or bibliography. Double-space the entire essay. Indent the first line of each paragraph. Use Arial, size 12 font.

b. Organize your paper logically.

c. Number each page starting with the second page, centered at the bottom of the page.

d. Sources. Students should use three different sources to demonstrate research ability.

e. Use endnotes and a bibliography to document your references. Endnotes and bibliography should each be a separate page.

4. Situation: Based upon your personal experiences in the military and/or knowledge of specific topics related to human resources management, write a scholarly, argumentative paper on some aspect of human resource management and/or development. Your paper should encourage discussion, debate, and critical thought about your particular topic. It may be necessary for you to select a contentious subject or issue, pick a side and support your decision.

Adjutant General's Officers Human Recourses (HR) Certification

I. Introduction

a. THESIS:Incorporate the PHR/SPHR Certification into the Basic Officer's

Leaders Course and the Captain's Career Course curriculum to better align the field with the civilian HR sector.

II. Main Body Paragraph 1

a. A senior HR Officer (as perceived upon completion of the CCC) upon completion of the CCC should obtain documented certification upon completion of the required training

i. Obtaining thePHR certification demonstrates mastery of the technical and operational aspects of implementing HR practices as required in both the basic and advance HR training

ii. Licensure versus certification and the ability to make HR professionals more marketable and competitive for promotion

III. Main Body Paragraph

a. Benefits to the Army's organization while simultaneously investing into the Officer's professional career development

i.Increase HR Officer retention and promote continued professional development

ii. Certification strongly considered for TWI as well as
nominative /Joint positions

ii. Conclusion

a. THESIS RESTATED:Investing in AG Officers will only reap a high return on the investment to the AG community with senior commanders and it enables the Officer(s) to be competitive in the Army and marketable in the civilian sector.

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Other Management: Benefits to the armys organization
Reference No:- TGS01787641

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