
Benefits to an elevator pitch


"Pitch Perfect" Please answer the following:

Watch the following Lynda.com videos from the video serious Giving Your Elevetor Pitch with Todd Dewett:

  • "Benefits to an Elevator Pitch" (2 min 01 s)
  • "Making an Initial connection" (2 min 43 s)
  • "Structuring your Pitch" (3 min 57 s)

Then, rank the following factors in order of importance when developing an elevator speech, and provide a rationale for your answer.

  • Speech is confident, not arrogant
  • Use of positive and compelling words
  • Short in duration
  • General to the industry in question
  • Specific to the company's mission and company's values


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Business Management: Benefits to an elevator pitch
Reference No:- TGS01814483

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