
Benefits of using concurrency for concurrent execution

Assignment task:  

Part I: Benefits of Concurrency:

Concurrency is defined as "the execution of the multiple instruction sequences working simultaneously within a(n) operational system when there are several process threads running in parallel and communicate within each other by shared memory storage." (geeksforgeeks, 26 Nov 2021). There are potential advantages:

  • Running of multiple applications
  • Better resources utilization
  • Better average response time
  • Better performance

Potential Risks:

As I always say, there are always risk within any programming system and there are potential risks in concurrency also. Below is a list of disadvantages of concurrency in any operating systems:

  • Requires protecting multiple applications from one another. (geeksforgeeks, 26 Nov 2021)
  • Requires coordinating multiple applications through additional mechanisms. (geeksforgeeks, 26 Nov 2021)
  • Additional performance overheads and complexities in operating systems are required for switching among applications. (geeksforgeeks, 26 Nov 2021)
  • Running to many applications concurrently leads to severely degraded performance. (geeksforgeeks, 26 Nov 2021)

Part II:

Some benefits of using concurrency for concurrent execution of tasks of this transaction can be that it will decrease waiting time or turnaround time. It will improve the response time and also increase the resource utilization ("Concurrency in operating system", 2021).

However, there are some risks of concurrency that can occur during the concurrent execution of tasks of this transaction such as lost updates, dirty read, non-repeatable Read or incorrect summary issues.


Could you please point out potential risks that are missing from post 1 and post 2, and additional benefits that were not considered in each post? Please also provide the references.

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Other Subject: Benefits of using concurrency for concurrent execution
Reference No:- TGS03286182

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