
Benefits of keeping performance appraisals condifential


1. What do you think of Mr Srivastava's argument that sharing 'report cards' with them would create tension amonthe the workforce and lead to unhealthy competition between employees?

2. Of you were Miss Kohli, how would you convinve Mr Srivastava that individual perfomance improves when people know how they are doing?

3. In your opinion, what are the benefits of keeping performance appraisals condifential? It may be difficult at first, but try to force yourself to think of som! Nest, discuss the advantages of sharing the information with the individual subordinate.

4. Many corporations aournd the world practise the 'family'type culture of Gypsy Tigers, whereby employees are not pressured to perform at very high levels - instead, moderate performance is accepted as the norm. From a performance management perspective, what are the advantagesfdisadvantaes of such practices?

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Management Theories: Benefits of keeping performance appraisals condifential
Reference No:- TGS03210023

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