Benefits of interoperability to terrorism operations


Unit I Reflection Paper

Examine two terrorist attacks, and provide an overview of these attacks. Explain the lessons learned from each attack in your opinion. Also, describe what protective measures were taken during the attacks to prevent further casualties and injuries.

The completed assignment must be a minimum of three double-spaced pages in length, not including the title page and reference page. The use of outside sources to support your writing may be helpful, but is not required for this assignment.

All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced using APA formatting; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

Unit II Course Project

For this project, you will use the topic and sources that you selected in Unit I. Please explain in detail the issue, currentstatus, and recommended plan of action to mitigate or prevent this threat. Also, develop a plan for post-terrorism recovery HLS 3303, Terrorism Response Operations 4 in relation to your topic. Please provided detailed information about the topic and supporting evidence for your plan ofaction.

Your completed assignment should be a minimum of six double-spaced pages. You are required to use at least threepeer-reviewed sources for this assignment. Reference entries and in-text citations should follow APA formattingguidelines.

Your project should include the following categories:

• Title page

• Introduction of the topic

• Current status of the topic

• Recommended plan of action

• Post-terrorism recovery plan

• References

Unit III Scholarly Activity

You have just been hired as a consultant by the Department of Homeland Security to develop some potential ideas fortechnology to assist with homeland security. You have been tasked to think about problems that exist with communicationand interoperability, and potential ways that technology can solve them.

Be creative and think about ideas that may spark something substantial down the line. You must include the following:

• Relate the benefits of interoperability to terrorism response operations.

• What ideas do you have to improve interoperability and communication?

• To which sector of homeland security might your ideas apply?

• Would you expect your ideas to be easy to implement or impractical in reality?

The completed assignment must be a minimum of two double-spaced pages in length.

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Other Subject: Benefits of interoperability to terrorism operations
Reference No:- TGS01949172

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