
Benefits of integrating movement or health education


Observe a physical education or health education lesson for levels K-8 that is at least 30 minutes long. If you are observing a physical education lesson, it must be taught by a physical education specialist.

Interview the teacher after the lesson using the questions included on the Observation Interview Questionnaire. ( the questionnaire is attached)

Record the teacher-s responses.

Write a reflection on the classroom observation and teacher interview.

Address the following in your reflection:

1. What was effective about the lesson?

2. What strategies could be used to better meet the needs of diverse learners?

3. How might you change or improve the lesson?

4. How might technology be used to improve this lesson?

5. Based on the interview after the lesson, do you think the teacher applies the previously discussed best practices effectively?

6. What strategies from the observation and interview might you be able to use in your classroom?

Observation Interview Questionnaire

Interview the teacher after the classroom observation. Record the teacher's responses below. Add additional questions as needed.

1. What learning strategies do you use to help students meet the objectives of your lessons?

2. What is difficult about meeting the needs of diverse learners in the learning environment? How do you overcome the challenges of meeting diverse learners' needs?

3. What are the benefits of integrating movement or health education into other areas of the elementary curriculum? Which best practices would you share with teachers who wish to integrate movement or health education into their classrooms?

4. What role does technology play in your physical education or health education lessons? How might technology improve your instruction?

5. How might a teacher avoid some of the pitfalls to becoming an effective physical education specialist or health education teacher?

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Other Subject: Benefits of integrating movement or health education
Reference No:- TGS01922868

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