Benefits of Group Therapy
Group therapy is often utilized when treating substance abuse and addiction for a variety of reasons. Group therapy can provide a level of accountability not found in individual therapy. One form of accountability is the use of "sponsors," a service that is typically not found in individual therapy. Therapy groups frequently include members who are at varying stages of recovery. This enables group members to interact with others in the therapy group who are struggling with similar issues.
Those who are at later stages of recovery can see through the defenses (e.g., minimization, denial, and rationalization) that might be displayed by newer therapy group members. The relapse rates for substance abuse and addiction can be high, and, thus, the cost of treatment can be high. Group therapy provides a cost-effective treatment form by splitting the cost between multiple members.
Sometimes watching something makes the content "come to life" in a way that reading does not. This week you get an opportunity to watch a movie that incorporates group therapy (look below). More specifically, you analyze group therapy movies that are based on substance abuse or addiction.
As you watch, notice how the therapy group might differ from other non-substance or addiction therapy groups. In addition, examine how the dynamics of the therapy group are therapeutic and how this process is different from individual therapy.
In particular, keep Yalom's therapeutic factors in mind, and see how they play out in the film's therapy group.